5Rhythms® Dance in Austin
By examining and exploring the ins and outs of movement, alone and with others, we embody our true essence with less struggle and more joy.
The 5Rhythms invite people of all shapes, sizes, ages, backgrounds and experience levels to discover and explore movement as meditation, as art, as a personal transformational practice. Flowing, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical and Stillness are the Rhythms, the teachings we dive into, cultivating awareness as we play in the Rhythms and explore patterns that are our lives in motion.
All Are Welcome
All people and levels of experience are welcome above the age of 15.
Private Sessions
Click here to view options. On that page, scroll down to see Movement Work.
Individuals Under 15
Click here to contact me if you’re interested in sessions for those under 15.

5Rhythms: Source in Motion
Source in Motion is a lightly facilitated, exploratory and intentional movement class for all genders.
A deep dive into how energy as life force moves through our bodies, hearts, minds, souls and spirits. Using the maps of the 5Rhythms and fueled by curiosity, we explore and broaden our movement vocabularies while deepening our personal and collective practices.
- Doors open at 6 pm.
- Warm-up begins at 6:30 pm.
- Doors close at 7 pm.
- Class ends at 8:30 pm.
Source In Motion is a substance-free environment.
Austin Ecstatic Dance Center
10203 Old Manchaca Rd
Austin, TX 78748
6:30–8:30 p.m. CT

5Rhythms: Step into Yes
The art of stepping into “Yes” is a dance for people who identify as she / her / they / them, not he/his.
How do I say, “Yes!” with my whole self? Whether I need to step up or step back, how do I do so with complete, authentic potency? How do I offer my gifts to the world without overwhelming or apologizing? Through movement and a variety of creative arts, we’ll explore ways to clarify and express the deep richness and wisdom of our own potency. Don’t forget your journal and favorite pens.

Life in the City Church
205 E. Monroe St.
Austin, TX 78704
Monthly 1st Sat’s
11 a.m.– 1:15 p.m.

Archetypes in Motion —
Winter Series for women who identify as she / her / they / them.
Archetypes in Motion is a women’s series that explores themes and patterns in how life force is expressed in movement. We explore this when we’re in the flow of our own unique expression and when we’re dropped into the broader collective unconscious. Both rich. Both valuable.
Using the 5Rhythms® as our movement language and the lens of both/and rather than either/or, we’ll get curious about how we move along our own continuum of showing up and not, of connecting and disconnecting, of being receptive and expressive and what happens when we empower our authentic selves to lead.
With curiosity, playfulness and kindness, we embark on this archetypal journey, each of us bringing what we bring and exploring what we discover and co-create together. Gifts we’ll unwrap along the way are cultivating deeper awareness, a more strongly felt sense of self and others and clearer pathways to choosing what we most want for ourselves.

Wood Haven Studio
Wood Haven Studio
11008 Tangleridge Circle
Austin, TX 78736
6 Tuesdays
Jan 14 – Feb 18, 2025
6:15 p.m. –
8:15 p.m.
Final session will have an added hour for snacks & socializing

© Dancing Fire Lizards
designed with love by Katie Colormaiden